New UK Trailer for The Nightmare Comes Creeping In

Rodney Ascher’s new film, The Nightmare, seems more polarizing than most, having earned itself a 4-1/2-star review from Mr. Dark but only 1-1/2 from Brad McHargue. If you’re in the UK and have been wanting to decide on a rating for yourself, you’ll have your chance on October 9th, when it hits cinemas courtesy of Altitude Film.
We don’t have the UK quad poster yet, but we do have a new trailer to share so check it out below!
In The Nightmare filmmaker Rodney Ascher (Room 237) combines captivating interviews, otherworldly bedtime re-creations, and heart-stopping scare tactics to explore sleep paralysis, a condition between wakefulness and sleep in which the victim is conscious of his or her surroundings but completely immobilized.
THE NIGHTMARE’S subjects hail from different backgrounds and walks of life but share eerily similar visions of malevolent, near-human beings that grow increasingly aggressive the longer the sleep paralysis recurs. Are these just random hallucinations or something more? Rational explanations get challenged by the similarities of the “shadow people” multiple subjects describe looming over them. Ascher, who has first-hand knowledge of sleep paralysis, brings the full intensity of this experience to the screen while maintaining empathy and respect for his subjects. As the film unfolds, distinctions between the documentary and horror genres fade as do easy lines between reality and the imagination.