Haunted Puppet Moves by Itself on Video in The Gasp Menagerie
A lot of people kind of giggle when you bring up a haunted doll or puppet. It’s silly, right? It’s a doll… if it isn’t named Chucky and isn’t cursing like a sailor while stabbing you in the neck, it’s just not intimidating.
We forget easily, though, how ingrained the human image is in all kinds of myths, religions, and magic. Voodoo dolls, Zuni fetishes, pagan idols, and any number of other forms of human-shaped effigies factor into cultures all over the world since the beginnings of man. The current culture’s use of them as toys without spiritual significance is a relatively modern change, and not one adopted around the world, even today.
I’ve said that to say this: Much evidence exists for dolls or other constructs based on human forms exhibiting decidedly creepy behavior. From Robert down in Florida to Annabelle in New York, creepy dolls are still a reality in today’s world.
As such, Jayne Harris in the UK has spent years studying haunted dolls and puppets, kind of like a specialized Lorraine Warren. Her latest evidence is striking. The Daily Mail brings us a tale and evidence of some very strange events involving a marionette.
Captured on night vision video, a puppet seems to move entirely independent of outside force. The fact that the puppet was given to Jayne by its owner because of negative feelings and events adds to the mystery.
The puppet had been in the owner’s family for many years, but he finally contacted Jayne when he had an episode where he felt the puppet (or a force associated with it) was somehow strangling him.
Jayne placed the puppet in a sealed glass case and set up devices and a camera around it to capture anything it might do. Sure enough, in the video, we see the control rod for the puppet move by itself.
While the video could be easily faked, it’s less likely in this case simply because of the nature of the phenomenon. If you’re going to fake a puppet moving, you’d do more than gently, slowly move the control rod. You could easily have more vectors of movement using fishing line or any other rigged means and make a more impressive video. Making such a simple hoax doesn’t seem to be likely. Also, Jayne has been doing this for 17 years and hasn’t released evidence of this nature before.
So what is it? Is this little old man puppet home to something intelligent and malevolent? Can human effigies like puppets and dolls be infused with energy or even spirits? Is this an uninspired hoax or evidence of an inanimate object moving of its own volition?
Explore The Gasp Menagerie!
Have a weird story? Potential evidence of the supernatural, or at least something hard to explain? Spot any creepy critters out there roaming the wilds? LET ME KNOW! I’d love to talk about it and possibly write it up right here in The Gasp Menagerie. You’ll get appropriate credit, of course, and everyone else will get fresh creepy (as opposed to fresh Creepy, which, trust me… nobody wants that) to enjoy. As always, I can be found at [email protected].
Now get out there, find some weird, and let’s get this party started.