Shallow Water Launches Largest-Ever Kickstarter in Horror Category

Veteran special effects artist Sandy Collora has a lofty goal: He wants to break Kickstarter’s record for the largest amount of cash raised for a horror movie. Collora would like to amass $550,000 for his creature feature Shallow Water, a film inspired by his love of movies such as Predator and Alien. Considering he’s already raised over $20,000 in just a few days, he’s off to a fantastic start.
What’s Shallow Water about? Here’s the plot:
A fishing trip to a remote and mythical fishing hole goes awry and becomes a terrifying predicament that keeps getting worse. Nestled deep in the Sea of Cortez is a tiny island you won’t find on any map. Six fishermen scour the Baja peninsula to find this magical place, but when they finally reach their destination, they encounter some sea life that they did not expect. This puts them all at odds and it quickly becomes every man for himself. Which will prevail, Mother Nature or Human Nature?
If you’d like to contribute to Sandy Collora’s Shallow Water and help make Kickstarter history, take a stroll through the film’s official campaign page. Check out the pitch video below.