New Promos for The Vampire Diaries Season 7 and The Originals Season 3

Now that they’re paired together on Thursday nights, for the most part we’ll be combining our coverage of “The Vampire Diaries” and “The Originals” this season; and to kick things off, we have new promos for both shows.
The seventh season premiere of “The Vampire Diaries” is Thursday, October 8th, at 8PM. As for what we can expect, exce producer Juile Plec previously said, “We have a ton of material to work with. We have a very gifted ensemble. There are still plenty of stories to tell between them. We also have these Heretics… There are a handful of them, so when we come back next season, they have not scattered to the winds; they are sticking together, and they are messy, and they are mean, and they are hilarious and perverse and chaos-makers and trouble and all those things.”
For more info visit “The Vampire Diaries” on, “like” “The Vampire Diaries” on Facebook, and follow “The Vampire Diaries” on Twitter.
As for “The Originals,” its Season 3 premiere follows “TVD” on October 8th at 9PM. During this past summer’s San Diego Comic-Con exec producer Michael Narducci told us we’ll be learning all about “the history of vampirism [like who were the first people turned?] and sire lines.” Every vampire in the world has an interest in keeping the remaining Mikaelsens alive, and an upcoming war among the various factions of vamps will factor heavily into Season 3, which begins after a six-month time jump.
For more info visit “The Originals” on, “like” “The Originals” on Facebook, and follow “The Originals” on Twitter.