Chris R. Wright’s Short Film The Water Boatman Launches Indiegogo Campaign


Small Town Folk director Chris R. Wright’s upcoming short film The Water Boatman explores the drama surrounding the death of a relationship. However, instead of a rom-com, Wright is giving us something a bit more surreal. In fact, he describes the flick as “Don’t Look Now meets The Shining… via Mulholland Drive.” It’s a bold statement, but the guy certainly knows how to get our attention.

Here’s a short synopsis to help set the mood:

After his first day in a new job, Neil, a florist, returns home to find his girlfriend acting strange. They’ve not long moved in together and she hasn’t been well. But tonight things take an unexpected turn.

If this sounds interesting, then swing by the official Indiegogo campaign for The Water Boatman and give the filmmaker some money. On your way out, take a look at the pitch video and decide if this is something the world needs to see. You can find the clip embedded below.


The Water Boatman


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