Grace Phipps Talks Some Kind of Hate


With already a few horror titles under her belt so early on in her career, Grace Phipps is no stranger to the fright game; and she was generous enough to talk with us about her latest film, Some Kind of Hate (review). Read on and enjoy!

DC: Grace, can you give us a brief description of the film as well as your character, Kaitlin?

GP: The movie follows a young man who has been bullied and has a history of violence in his upbringing, and one day after fighting back, he gets sent away to a reform school way out in the desert – kind of a school for wayward kids, and for a long time the film appears to be about just that.

Then we find out that a young girl had died at the school before. I play Kaitlin, who before she went to the camp is almost exactly like every girl that was ever mean to me in middle school, so my character ends up connecting with the dead girl in an empathetic way.

DC: Aside from this being a horror film, there’s a pretty strong message in there about the issue of bullying. Outside of people having the crap scared out of them, what is it that you hope people take away from this film after watching it?

GP: Some of the kills in this movie are really satisfying instead of just being scary, and you can never tell on set when you’re shooting something how it’s going to be edited, or how the piecing’s going to be, but the big takeaway here is the physical violence to be a metaphor for the emotional violence, so it’s balanced in that way, and it’s not scary, but you wouldn’t want it to happen to you. Our director, Adam Egypt Mortimer, was very keen on having all of the horror violence conceptually mirror what was going on with the interaction between the characters in the movie at that point in the script.


DC: You’ve had quite a few horror projects in your resume so early on in your career – is this a preferred genre for you?

GP: I’ve sort of ended up doing that somehow – I like being under circumstances that I wouldn’t experience in my life – I find that really fun, and I like working with fake blood and all the imaginary circumstances.  I did Dark Summer, then Tales of Halloween, and really had the best time making those two films.

DC: After the release of this film, what else will be filling up your time down the road?

GP: I’ve got a couple things coming out, as well as a couple of things that I’m working on in addition to “Scream Queens” on Fox starting September 22nd, and Teen Beach 2 is out right now on DVD.

Some Kind of Hate

