Trailer Unleashed for Sweden’s Hermit Monster Killer

With all the great foreign horror films out there, it may surprise you that there haven’t been any Swedish monster movies since Space Invasion of Lapland back in 1959. That’s all about to change, however, as a trailer’s just been released for Hermit Monster Killer from director Ola Paulakoski, which looks like some good old fashioned Roger Corman style fun, albeit with more gore this time around.
From Jonas Wolcher, the producer of Cannibal Fog and Precision, the film stars Börje Lundberg (A Man Called Ove), Fredrik Weileby (lead singer of Sparzanza), Johannes Söderqvist (Slim Susie), Anders Hasselroth (Faust 2.0), and Sserunnya Kaddu Earnest (Who Killed Captain Alex?). Co-producers include Gustaf Karlsson and Henrik Sjöman, and the script was written by Fred Anderson (Kraftverk 3714).
We’ve also included a batch of stills below which offer a better look at the monster, whatever it is exactly, and the people trying to put a stop to its existence.