Don Mancini Teases Seventh Chucky Flick!

Don Mancini has been very vocal about his intention to make a seventh film in the Child’s Play franchise, and after Curse of Chucky, we’re more than all for it! So is this film happening? And if so, will anyone from the original franchise be returning?
File the following set of Tweets under speculation!
@RealDonMancini Capetown is great. The crew is really professional and you can’t beat the weather!
— Jennifer Tilly (@Jtillathekilla2) February 21, 2016
Chucky first appeared in 1988’s Child’s Play, directed by Tom Holland. He’s gone on to appear in several sequels, and thankfully… NO REMAKES thus far (though that’s always a possibility)! Here’s hoping Mancini can keep the torch burning for us all! He is one of the Good Guys, ya know!