Interview with the Vampire Reboot Script Complete; Could Jared Leto Be the Next Lestat?

Earlier today we reminded you that it’s the 40th anniversary of the publication of Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire so we’d say it’s the perfect time to get an update on the latest film version of the novel.
At the end of March, Josh Boone, who was tapped to helm the reboot (or whatever it is they’re calling it these days), said he was working on the script with Jill Killington; and per a recent post by Boone on Instagram, the first draft, which incorporates both Interview and its sequel, The Vampire Lestat, is indeed finished!
But that’s not even the most exciting news that we have for you…
Recently Rice asked her fans on Facebook for their opinion of who might make the best Lestat, and one name that kept coming up was Jared Leto. Apparently, Boone agrees. Check out his tweet from yesterday:
Lestat – there can be only one. #JaredLeto
— Josh Boone (@JoshBooneMovies) May 4, 2016
What say you? Do you think Jared can fill the shoes left behind by previous Lestats Tom Cruise and Stuart Townsend? I’d say he’s spot-on. Share your thoughts below!