Take a Bite Out of Summer with Syfy’s Ozark Shark

Syfy is at it again. The network’s latest crazy monster flick is Ozark Shark, which will be baring its teeth in the summer. I think the poster below tells us all that we need to know…
It’s sharks. And it’s Syfy. So we can rest assured that we’re in for some cheesy monster goodness with co-stars Laura Cayouette, Allisyn Ashley Arm, Michael Papajohn, Dave Davis, and Ashton Leigh.
Director Misty Talley is no stranger to shark movies, as she previously brought us Zombie Shark, which Foy wasn’t too keen on in his review; but try, try again, eh?
A picturesque family vacation to the Ozarks goes sideways when a group of bull sharks show up just in time for the big fireworks festival that the town holds every year.