Lionsgate Unveils New Vestron Video Logo


Nostalgia reigns supreme with Lionsgate resurrecting the old Vestron Video line and using it to bring some long gone classics to Stateside Blu-ray for the first time. Have a look at the new logo introduction video, which was created by Michael Felsher (the perfect choice) of Red Shirt Pictures.

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This was a real joy to put together,” says Felsher via Facebbook. “Several years ago I discussed what it would be like to update the Vestron Logo with a good friend of mine, Jess Bryden, a gifted graphic designer and filmmaker. When Vestron Video was greenlit, I approached Jess officially about updating the logo. The results were everything I could have hoped for and more. References the past, but brings it into the future.

Indeed it does! Have a look!

Vestron Video

