Night of the Witch Trailer Has One Night to Hunt

She has one night to hunt, one night to feed, one night to party. I’m talking, of course, about Maddy Martha, the titular witch from the upcoming film Night of the Witch.
She may be able to do magic and everything, but she needs your help via Indiegogo to get her movie made. I guess witches need money just like the rest of us.
Night of the Witch is directed by Jesse James Hennessy and stars Shannon Stroup, Nicholas Tellez, and Veronika Renee Coon. Head over to its official website and Facebook page for it to cast a spell on you.
It’s 1989, and group of high school party teens head out to the deep country in a van for a “last blast” senior bonfire. Against their better judgement they pick up a seductively charming hitchhiker named Maddy Martha, who, unbeknownst to them, is an evil, bloodthirsty witch out for fresh young victims.
As the gang fades into an eve of booze, drugs, and sex, the sadistic intentions of the witch are revealed, turning their good times into a horrific night of cat and mouse. One by one they are hunted and slain until the remaining few must confront Maddy Martha if they ever want to see 1990.
Night of the Witch is a good ol’ 80’s throwback slasher with plenty of blood, boobs, bad lines, and bad hair!