RIP Bruno Mattei

Just a few short days after it was announced that Bruno Mattei would be returning to horror with Zombies: The Beginning, the Italian master of schlock has passed away.
We’ve had numerous e-mails about it but couldn’t be sure until now. Mattei had undergone treatment for a tumor a while ago and was looking at recovery, but last Friday it was reported that he had gone into a coma. He passed away yesterday.
Mattei, for those unaware, was one of the most infamous directors from the Italian schlock scene, responsible for some truly wonderful bad movies like Rats, Hell of the Living Dead and The Other Hell. He got his start editing, which he learned from his father growing up. His contributions to our genre will never be forgotten, and he will be missed.
Our thoughts go out to his friends and family. Rest easy, Bruno, you were loved.
Remember the man’s work in our forums!
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