What Happened to Elisa Lam? Documentary Nearly Funded on Kickstarter

The Elisa Lam case could very well be one of the strangest happenings – if not the strangest – in the annals of 21st century American history, and a doc is in the works that explores every facet of the truly terrifying case.
Directors/producers Jake Anderson and Jared Salas’ What Happened to Elissa Lam? is nearly funded on Kickstarter, and if there was ever a project we’d like to see cross the finish line, it is THIS ONE.
Anderson recently spoke with our own Miguel Rodriguez on his Horrible Imaginings Podcast, where they discussed the case and the movie production process. In a few weeks he’ll also be on Brainwaves: Horror and Paranormal Talk Radio, and we plan to go really in-depth around the story itself as a means to lay out exactly what happened.
What Happened to Elisa Lam? will showcase characters from all spectrums of the case — detectives, psychologists, friends of Elisa’s, journalists and filmmakers who became obsessed with the case, Reddit moderators and website owners who saw the case grow into a viral phenomenon, even short-stay and long-term Cecil residents who were accused of killing her.
Distressed by relationships, difficulties with her college coursework, and worsening psychological troubles, Elisa Lam embarked upon her fateful “West Coast tour” in late January of 2013. On January 31st, she failed to make her daily phone call home; she was declared missing a few days later. The police released the last known sighting of her in the form of a surveillance video recorded inside the elevator of the Cecil Hotel (renamed Stay on Main). The chilling video, which shows Elisa acting peculiar and seemingly hiding from someone, went viral online. Early speculation was that either she was on drugs or being stalked by someone inside the hotel. When police finally released the toxicology report, it only deepened the mystery.