Exclusive First Word: Death House Prequel Dawn of 5 Evils

Recently an IMDb page went up for the new film from Death House director B. Harrison Smith, entitled Dawn of 5 Evils. For those who haven’t seen Death House yet, there’s a scene involving five men known as the 5 Evils. This will be their story.
We caught up with Harrison to get the scoop for you.
“I am prepping the script and have a 12-page treatment outlined,” Smith tells us. “It is an origins story of the 5 Evils of the original Death House film and how they came into being and ended up in Death House. It is in early pre-production with no official release date. It could follow the original Death House or come after its sequel, The Farm.”
The 5 Evils are played by: Bill Moseley, Michael Berryman, Vernon Wells, Vincent Ward, and Lindsay Hartley.
Check out an image Harrison sent over to go along with the story, and stay tuned for more as it comes.