The Evil Dead Trilogy Cuts a 72-Minute Super Cut in Black and White

While we wait on pins and needles for the third season of STARZ’s “Ash vs. Evil Dead” to hit the airwaves in February, we can take a moment to appreciate the original trilogy that led us to this incredible show. Starting in 1981, Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead, which Stephen King hailed as, “The most ferociously original horror film of the year,” began the journey of Bruce Campbell’s Ash Williams, an everyday kinda guy who gets caught up in a battle with demonic entities known as Deadites. Packed with humor, gore, and scares, the Evil Dead series has since become a cult classic and is a gem in the horror community.
Jorge Torres-Torres decided to pay his respects to the Evil Dead trilogy by creating Evil Dead Revision, where he took the first films and revised them “…into a 72-minute, black & white ballet of gore.”
If you need to catch up on the foundations of the Evil Dead universe before the return of “Ash vs. Evil Dead”, this seems like a great place to start! Oh, and then make sure to binge the show on Netflix.