Horror Caught on a Camera Phone

Camera Phone Website
You know what kills me? Around 6 months ago me and the gang were sitting around talking about making a horror series using webcams and camera phones. Of course we never got around to doing it, but it was only a matter of time before someone did.
Not a whole lot is known about the flick other than it was directed by someone who goes by the name of MysterE.
On March 20, 2010 there was a party at a building in Orange County. That night, there was a 911 call that has been filed as ‘unknown’ and the case was hidden from the public. The events that took place at this home are unsolved and there are no suspects. But, all of these events were captured on electronic devices at the party. The police have put together the footage to figure out what happened at this party. The events you are about to experience will shock and disturb you.

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