Hatchet 2 Teaser Art / Frozen Gets a Rating


A couple of news bites came out of Adam Green’s camp today. The first is that his upcoming chiller Frozen has gotten itself a rating, and secondly a teaser image for Hatchet 2 has made its way online. Interesting.

“>Frozen stars Shawn Ashmore, Emma Bell, and Kevin Zeger and tells the tale of three skiers who are stranded on a chairlift and forced to make life-or-death choices that prove more perilous than staying put and freezing to death. The film has been rated R by the MPAA for “disturbing images and language.”

As for Hatchet 2 … to read what Adam Green had to say about the proposed sequel, click here. The teaser image you see below appeared today on the official Hatchet MySpace page. Are we getting closer to a second Victor Crowley fueled rampage? It sure seems that way.

When reached for comment regarding Hatchet 2‘s latest rumblings, Green said, “In terms of the image – I’m told it’s fan made, but I think it’s great. There won’t be any official artwork generated until much, much further into the process with making the movie, I’m sure.

There are some loud rumblings going on about Victor Crowley’s return next year and there’s been a lot of recent movement going on in the HATCHET camp with sequel talk, but right now I’m heavily focused on FROZEN and my TV pilot. Perhaps some more concrete news will drop soon.”

Keep it locked here for more as it comes.

Hatchet 2 Teaser Art

Uncle Creepy

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