BREAKING NEWS! Bill Murray Says a Mouthful of Nothing on Letterman Regarding Ghostbusters 3

You know, we weren’t going to cover this because there’s no real news to report here, but we’ve gotten over 10 email tips from readers linking us to various stories of Bill Murray’s latest stance on the long talked about Ghostbusters 3. You want it? You got it!
Recently Murray appeared on “The Late Show with David Letterman,” where he dropped the following bombshell on hopeful fans after Letterman asked him about the project:
“That’s about all they want to know at Cannes, too… But, um… They just don’t have a really good script. It’s hard. Even the second Ghostbusters wasn’t as much fun for me as the first one. It’s hard to make a sequel. That first one was really funny. It was just so darn funny, it’s hard for me…”
When further pressed for answer, Murray said:
“We’ll try again.”
So what, the script is to blame now? Is it still being written? How long until everyone just stops caring? Please … put us out of our misery already. More, and you know there will be more, soon.

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