B-Sides: T-T-T-Toxic Avenger!

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Melvin worked at the Tromaville gym, a 90-lb. weakling who got pushed around. They dressed him up in a pink tutu. They beat him up, and they threw him down. He landed in a barrel of waste. Toxic chemicals ate his face. Mutating, energized by Tromatons… This Jersey hero’s gonna clean up the place! T-T-T-Toxic Avenger!

It dawned on me that I’ve been doing these B-Sides for so long now, and somehow Troma has gone grossly unrepresented. That gets corrected today with Scott Casey’s hard-rocking Toxic Avenger theme song from The Toxic Avenger Part II. It’s arguable that this song is even better than the Tromatic 1989 sequel itself.

To my disappointment nobody has put out a music video of “The Toxic Avenger Part II Theme” using clips from it or any of the various Toxic Avenger movies. On the plus side, that means you can listen to this song and the video is actually safe for work. On the bad side, if any of your coworkers hear you listening to this song, they may start asking you questions you aren’t prepared to answer.

B-Sides: T-T-T-Toxic Avenger!

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