B-Sides: Bigfoot Is Really Just a Sensuous Tiger

I kind of feel the need to apologize in advance for this one. There is a good chance you might find this week’s B-Sides especially painful. Any time one is forced to listen to half-baked disco music performed by the whitest people imaginable, the results are never pretty. No wonder Bigfoot goes on a rampage.
From the maker of The Giant Spider Invasion comes The Capture of Bigfoot. Bill Rebane’s 1979 entry into the genre of Sasquatchploitation took a page from the classic British giant monster movie Gorgo by having a Yeti go on a rampage after some hunters capture its kid and decide to make a fortune turning the little creature into a tourist attraction.
The setup for one of this Bigfoot’s attacks has him prowling outside a lodge in which a party is taking place. A band called The Friends are performing a disco number titled “Sensuous Tiger” that sounds scarily like what I imagine a disco number performed by Pat and Debby Boone would sound like.
The real question is what is actually going through Bigfoot’s mind as he stands out in the cold staring into this cabin as the whitest people imaginable boogie to this tune. That look on his face; is it one of sadness because he can’t get in there and boogie alongside them, or is it the look one makes when he can’t believe how terrible a song is and really wishes the people playing it would knock it off already?
The Capture of Bigfoot’s “Sensuous Tiger” scene is one of those so bad it’s kind of endearing musical movie interludes – or it will make your ears bleed. I’ll let you decide, assuming you dare to hit play.

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