Lionsgate Summoning a Seance on DVD this Halloween

If you’re going to insist on playing with a Ouija board or holding a séance, you should at least have the common sense not to do it in a morgue of all places. Foolish mortals never learn. You’ll get to witness more fools learning this lesson on DVD this October when Lionsgate releases Séance: The Summoning.
After a loudmouth college punk singer accuses an amateur medium of being a fake, four college students break into the city morgue and video themselves holding a seance. When the kids summon a demon by mistake, they have to find a way to drive the demon out of their friend before it destroys them all.
Séance: The Summoning stars The Final Destination’s Bobby Campo, Nazneen Contractor of Season 8 of “24”, and former “Kyle XY” co-star Chris Olivero. The film was written and directed by Alex Wright, who, according to IMDB, is not the Alex Wright known as World Championship Wrestling’s “Das Wunderkind” but actually the Alex Wright that scripted Wishmaster 3 and directed The First 9-1/2 Weeks. As the artwork indicates, it is from an executive producer of Hellraiser. I don’t know why the use of the word “an” here amuses me somewhat.
Lionsgate will release Séance: The Summoning to DVD on October 2nd.
Below you’ll find a rather lengthy trailer for the film released before Lionsgate added “The Summoning” to its title. The trailer is so detailed I’m not sure what’s left for the movie itself to reveal.

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