Sharktopus Plot Details and Dinoshark Image Revealed!

Want to know what the titular monster of Roger Corman’s Dinoshark looks like? Want to know how and why a shark gets genetically crossed with an octopus in Corman’s forthcoming Sharktopus? Don’t deny it. You know you do. Just read on.
The Hollywood Reporter’s Live Feed blog has two major earth-shattering exclusives regarding the future of Roger Corman-produced monster moviemaking. The world has been buzzing ever since news broke that Roger Corman and Syfy were colluding to gift the world with a motion picture entitled Sharktopus. How does such an unlikely mutant come about?
“The U.S. Navy has commissioned a group called Blue Water to genetically engineer a half-shark, half-octopus to help combat Somali pirate ships. Then things go wrong.”
Makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? That’s the point, as Corman explains.
“It’s fairly difficult to believe, but we only ask the audience to accept this one thing,” he said. “After that, we take great care that everything else is logical from then on and is something that could happen.”
If there was one thing that went through my mind while watching Roger Corman’s Dinocroc, Supergator, and will assuredly be occupying my train of thought as I watch Dinocroc vs. Supergator when it debuts later this year, it is that this is something that could happen. This is why we love Roger Corman.
Another reason to love Roger Corman: Dinoshark. Premiering on Syfy the evening of March 13th, basically Dinocroc with flippers, Dinoshark begins with the prehistoric predator hatching from an egg thawed out from a melting glacier, and then it’s off to sunny Puerta Vallarta, Mexico for some hot jaws-on-human action.
With that said, courtesy of THR, ladies and gentlemen, say hello to Dinoshark.

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