More Details on the Failed Evil Dead 4 Sequel; Big Trouble in Little China 2?

So, about those guys from Awards Pictures who were gonna do a sequel to Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead but were promptly bitch-slapped back into their place… they’re friggin’ crazy. Read on for additional details concerning their failed film and more!
MovieHole got some details on what would have been the completely unauthorized sequel, Evil Dead IV: Consequences:
“EVIL DEAD IV: CONSEQUENCES: Horror, 136 mins. Prod co: Award Pictures. Prod/scr: Graham MacCrae, Glenn MacCrae. Budget: $71m. Pre-production. Delivery date: 2004. Ash may need a hand fighting deadites, demons, the FBI and reality TV.”
Related Story: Sam Raimi Stops Unauthorized Evil Dead 4
Well, they missed their delivery date, but they’re nothing if not tenacious. And that budget! That runtime! A replaced Ash as you know Bruce Campbell would have had NOTHING to do with this crap! Yes, dearest reader! We may have just dodged another bullet the likes of which was first fired by Taurus and their incredibly awful Day of the Dead 2: Contagium (review).
Even funnier? The article also makes mention that apparently Awards Pictures was also looking to create a sequel to John Carpenter’s Big Trouble in Little China with a budget of $75 million. Really?
Thanks to DC reader Jessica Lea Svenson for the heads-up!
Now then! If you’ll excuse us, we’re getting back to waiting for E.T. 2: Extinction. For more on that one dig on the official E.T.: Extinction website, the Robert Blankenheim website, and E.T.: Extinction on Facebook.

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