Overlooked and Underrated: 100 Fantastic Forgotten Films of Horror (Book)

Written by Scott Brandon Tepperman
Available October 7, 2012
Scott Tepperman is a name very familiar to fans of paranormal investigations. Tepperman is a member of the “Ghost Hunters International” team and has seen his share of unexplainable events. However, in addition to his real life ghost chasing experiences, Tepperman just happens to be an expert on horror films as well. He shares that expertise with us in his newest book, Overlooked and Underrated: 100 Fantastic Forgotten Films of Horror.
The poignant cover features Tepperman staring at us in front of a wall of classic horror DVDs, and immediately upon diving into this tome, one understands that Tepperman has not only seen a ton of horror, but he’s got a great eye for quality. In the intro of the book, immediately after the dedication to Richard Lynch, Tepperman includes a list of his Top 10 All-Time Favorite Movies, which I looked at and loved. Not because I agreed with every entry, but because I could see myself discussing this list with Tepperman himself and debating it. And that’s what’s wonderful about a book like this; it’s a great debate starter.
This book of some of Tepperman’s favorite “forgotten” films, organized in alphabetical order, starts out with what I feel is one of the most underrated films in the history of horror, Jack Shoulder’s treasure from 1982, Alone in the Dark. When I saw this film kicking off the book, I knew Tepperman was on the right track. And as far as the other 99 flicks…some of them I agreed with 100 percent, some of them I couldn’t have disagreed with more (Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2…really?), but Tepperman gives a great explanation for each and every entry; and even if you don’t agree with him, you’ve got to concede that he’s got a point with every film (except Blair Witch 2).
Fans of obscure horror are going to love this book. When I flipped through the letter “B” section and saw that Blood Diner was in there (a particular favorite from my youth), I was sold. Tepperman hits upon films from 1960 through 2009, putting together a very interesting and thought-provoking list of 100 forgotten films.
Although it’s filled with great information, this book could use graphics and color to add some pop to the reading experience. Being completely text, without movie posters or images, does limit the overall enjoyment. But the meat of the book is the list of 100 films, and Tepperman presents a great group. It’s a no-frills horror experience.
Whether he’s ghost hunting or checking out a new scary flick, you can bet that Scott Tepperman has horror on the mind. In Overlooked and Underrated: 100 Fantastic Films of Horror, he shares all that experience and insight with us and presents an entertaining, informative and intriguing read.

3 1/2 out of 5
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