Exorcism Fails! Possession Continues to Grasp the Box Office!

Box Office Mojo
The weekend after Labor Day is traditionally one of the least movie-going weekends of the year, and this year that tradition held true. That’s good news for The Possession as it held the top spot as the most watched movie of the least watched weekend.
The Sam Raimi Ghost House-produced The Exorcist with a Hasidic twist flick The Possession came in #1 for the second weekend in a row with another $9.5 million. That brings its total to $33 million thus far. According to Box Office Mojo, the drop was only 46%, a pretty darn good hold for a horror movie in its second week. No surprise to hear there’s already talk of a sequel.
ParaNorman keeps chugging along with another $3.8 million, 6th place finish. It’s now up to just over $45 million.
Meanwhile, did you know that there was a new spy thriller starring future Superman Henry Cavill, Bruce Willis, and Sigourney Weaver opening this weekend? I wouldn’t be surprised if you replied “no” since the Lionsgate release got dumped into 1,500 theaters with seemingly no advertising whatsoever. It opened 13th with $1.8 million, which is less than $100,000 more than Raiders of the Lost Ark’s 257 screen IMAX release. I only even bring up the matter here to ask if anyone reading this saw a single trailer for The Cold Light of Day at the theater or on TV.
As for Branded, it, too, was dumped but only into 307 theatres, where it earned a pitiful $251,000 for an $818 per theatre average. It should be popping up on DVD shortly.
Next week: Resident Evil returns to the box office with the latest sequel. It will probably suck. It will probably make big money opening weekend. Then they’ll make another in a year or two, and we will go through this whole damn process yet again.
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