Order The Uh-Oh! Show Ultimate Deluxe DVD Super Set and Get Some Actual Gore from the Movie

How’d you like to get a piece of gore from the Godfather of Gore himself? If you order an Ultimate Deluxe DVD of Herschell Gordon Lewis’ The Uh-Oh! Show, that’s exactly what you’ll get… and more!
From the Press Release:
Godfather of Gore HERSCHELL GORDON LEWIS is back with his latest movie masterpiece, The Uh-Oh! Show (mini-review here). And to honor the occasion, CultMovieMania.com is releasing three exclusive limited edition DVD sets of the movie, including The Uh-Oh! Show Signed & Bloody Deluxe DVD Super Set, which features ACTUAL GORE FROM THE MOVIE. That’s right! Real Herschell Gordon Lewis gore, direct from the set of The Uh-Oh! Show. It’s so authentic you can smell the violence.
The Uh-Oh! Show Signed and Bloody Deluxe DVD Super Set is packed with gory collectible goodies:
* The Uh-Oh! Show Movie DVD featuring interviews with H.G. Lewis, the producers, and cast including Brooke McCarter (Lost Boys) and King of the B-Movies Joel D. Wynkoop.
* Herschell Gordon Lewis and the Making of The Uh-Oh! Show Documentary DVD – A brand new feature-length documentary that puts you behind the scenes and on the set with the Godfather of Gore and features interviews with legendary directors JOHN WATERS and JOE DANTE. This is the closest you can get to experience true exploitation movie making madness.
* Exclusive Uh-Oh! Show Movie Buttons Collector’s Set
* Exclusive Uh-Oh! Show Set of 5 Lobby Cards
* PLUS you get the super limited 6th Uh-Oh! Show lobby card. It’s numbered, SIGNED BY HERSCHELL GORDON LEWIS, and FEATURES A PIECE OF ACTUAL GORE FROM THE MOVIE!
This amazing set is a must-own for H.G. Lewis fans, horror fans, and serious exploitation movie memorabilia collectors. Less than 350 Signed & Bloody Deluxe DVD sets are available. Once they’re gone, they gone. Get it now, or regret it later.
You can only get the gore exclusively at the Cult Movie Mania online gore store. Cult Movie Mania is more than just another cult movie website. It’s a creative explosion designed to warp your brain and bring back the same freak film fever that made the ‘70s and ‘80s so great for cult movie junkies. Anything to spread a newer, screwier strain of cinema insanity! Let’s get weird!

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