Horrifying Special Preview Arrives for Squirrel Comic

Squirrel is arriving in horrific style with blood and gore everywhere. The comic’s story revolves around bloodthirsty squirrels who are out for vengeance and is a parody story of Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds. Read on to learn more!
SQUIRREL is a parody of the Alfred Hitchcock classic The Birds, wherein a flock of birds attack a sleepy Northern California community, creating chaos and death everywhere. The 1963 film starred Tippi Hedren, Jessica Tandy, Suzanne Pleshette, and Rod Taylor. The movie is famous for its inspirational camera angles and frames and some of the most memorable cinematic scenes from Alfred Hitchcock.
Bringing the comic book to life is the nutty gang from Legends of Heroes and Villains; Richard Zerga and Kristi Zerga are once again putting their unique art skills to work as the did with Taffy Love Is Not a Laughing Matter, another collaboration between the Comic Book Divas and LHV Publishing.
SQUIRREL made its debut at the Miss Misery’s Days of Terror convention, which ran September 28th-29th in Sacramento, California, and will be available online at Comic Book Divas October 1st. In addition look for SQUIRREL Variant Covers featuring PJ Soles, Rhonda Shear, Amanda Dyar, Lily Cardone, Kristen Hall, and Sara Barrett on websites and at conventions.
Dread Central’s own Amanda Dyar portrays the teacher Ms. Dyar. The character is a parody of the Suzanne Pleshette character in The Birds. The comic stars other actresses and models from the horror community, including PJ Soles, Rhonda Shear, Lily Cardone, Anjanette Clewis, Kristen Hall, and Sara Barrett.
Visit Comic Book Divas to learn more.

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