Paranormal Activity 4 Goes Awry in England; Things Heat Up for the Degloshis

It’s Friday, and we have a good mixture of funny and spooky Paranormal Activity 4 related hijinx to turn you cats on to! Get ready for tales of children’s programming gone awry and more from Jacob Degloshi and his daughter, Sarah.
The first bit of news comes from Yahoo! UK, who report that due to a projector mix-up between Paranormal Activity 4 and Madagascar 3, “shocked families at Nottingham’s Cineworld had to rush their children out of the auditorium as they realised that the wrong film was being projected. But not before a scene at the very start of the film – featuring a bloodied female corpse being thrown at the camera – upset children as young as five, among around 25 families watching.”
“They started playing the movie, and I thought, ‘This doesn’t look right’,” said a stunned parent. “And then I recognised the opening sequence as a flashback to the first movie, which I saw a couple of years ago. It opens on the most terrifying scene in the first film – where a body shoots full pelt towards the camera. It’s enough to make grown men jump, so you can imagine the terror in these young faces. Everybody just scrambled for the exits; all you could hear were children crying and screaming. Everyone was very upset. It was only about two minutes worth of the film, but it was enough to scar them for life.”
Ah, yes! That’s the good stuff! Speaking of good… things have gotten delightfully bad for the Degloshis as Sarah was attacked, and it was captured on tape!
“Sarah says her burn mark doesn’t hurt. Doc thinks it’s a rash. I think it looks like someone or something grabbed her. Sarah really doesn’t want to leave but I’m looking into hotels. Coincidences don’t happen this often.”
From there Jacob shared some surveillance camera footage.
And the activity continued…
“My TV keeps randomly coming on. I have a ghost that likes to watch TV. GREAT. #cable #tv #ghosts”
But then things calmed down.
“All is quiet at the house tonight. Too much has happened today, I need sleep.”
How much ya wanna bet things don’t stay that way for long?
To keep up with these events, we suggest you follow along here with our files on Jacob Degloshi.
For those who missed the past several stories and are wondering what this is all about…
While surfing around looking for more Paranormal Activity 4 stuff to bring you, we came across the Facebook page, YouTube account and Twitter profile of one Mr. Jacob Degloshi of Henderson, Nevada. Who is he, you might ask? Really good question. The truth is we’re not sure.
Paranormal Activity 4 (review), directed by Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman, is in theaters everywhere NOW. Don’t forget to check out our exclusive Paranormal Activity Timeline to really relive the ghosts of Halloween past!
Related Stories: Get all the latest Paranormal Activity 4 news here
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