Exclusive: Dread Central Premieres Christian Ackerman’s Hell’s Belles

We’ve been following this one from the beginning, and as promised, Dread Central delivers up today the online premiere of Christian Ackerman’s horror-comedy short Hell’s Belles.
Written and directed by Ackerman, Hell’s Belles was filmed in 2011 just outside Los Angeles (see our set visit here) and had a glitzy premiere earlier last year in Hollywood, CA (we were there to cover that, too; see our red carpet coverage here).
The film, which was produced by Drina Durazo, stars Ariel Teal Toombs (daughter of pro wrestler “Rowdy” Roddy Piper) and Mayra Rodriguez as inexperienced occult specialists called by the local sheriff to help rescue a young girl from a lascivious demon from Hell. Rounding out the cast are Bonjah, Trista Robinson, James Cavlo, Paul Gebeau, and Buffy Dakan.
Chatting with Ackerman, who recently completed the feature script version of Hell’s Belles (with co-writer Chuck Foster), the filmmaker stated of the short’s festival performance (it received 26 nominations and 15 awards in 2012), “After a great festival run with the short, we’re excited to get this feature script out to producers. It was a blast to write, and we’re confident it will succeed as a kick-ass horror-comedy feature!”
Have a look at the NSFW short below. For more be sure to visit the official Hell’s Belles website, follow the flick on Twitter, and “like” it on its Facebook page.
Hell’s Belles-A Dread Central Exclusive! from Christian Ackerman on Vimeo.

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