The Walking Dead: Recap of Episode 3.14 – Prey

Before last week’s “The Walking Dead” episode ended, we already knew that the peace talk would fail, resulting in both Rick and the Governor readying their troops for war. This week’s Andrea-centric episode entitled “Prey” was written by Glen Mazzara and Evan Reilly and directed by Stefan Schwartz.
SPOILER ALERT: Do not read any further if you haven’t watched the episode yet. This is a recap with specific details from this episode. Continue only if you have already watched it.
In a flashback, Michonne tied her zombie pets to a tree before joining Andrea for a “girls’ night” dinner over the campfire. Michonne hesitated when Andrea asked where Michonne found her pets. “They deserved what they got. They weren’t human to begin with,” offered Michonne before shutting down the topic. At Woodbury, the Governor shackled up some chains while creepily happy imagining his prisoner in them. We can only guess who that might be, right?
Woodbury fighters were arming their vehicles before Andrea interrupted. Milton clarified that it was precautionary. Milton later found the Governor with torture tools and was disgusted, leading to him revealing to Andrea the Governor’s plan. Milton even brought Andrea to the observatory view over the torture room. When Milton begged Andrea to leave, Andrea decided she had to kill the Governor. Andrea aimed her gun from above at the unsuspecting Governor, but Milton stopped her and described the disastrous consequences. So Andrea had to return to the prison, but Milton refused to go with her.
Outside, henchman Martinez accosted Andrea and relieved her of her weapons. The Governor “apologized” to Andrea for keeping her in the dark and asked her to join him at their meeting with Rick the next day.
At a watch, Sasha tried to train a really bad shot Tyreese how to shoot zombies when Andrea showed up to try to distract them from the wall. Failing that, Andrea just climbed over and ran off but not before suggesting the same for Tyreese and Sasha.

Tyreese and Sasha told henchman Martinez and the Governor, who implied that Andrea was not well in the head.
Outside, the Governor told Milton that he would go hunt Andrea. The Governor also got angry when he learned that Andrea knew about his plan for Michonne.
After henchman Martinez ordered Tyreese, Sasha, Allen and Ben to join the armed trucks, Allen and Tyreese had a disagreement about Allen’s wife. Turned out that Tyreese had saved her once, and Allen then became jealous of Tyreese.
Running on the main road, Andrea heard an oncoming truck and hid in the woods, where she was attacked by several walkers. Andrea managed to put them down unscathed all by herself and her small knife.
Henchman Martinez brought Tyreese and his group to a pit filled by walkers and ordered them to load the walkers into an attack truck. When Tyreese refused to help and exchanged some heated words with Allen, he and Allen got into a fight. Tyreese overpowered Allen easily and showed some never-been-seen-before anger before it subsided. Henchman Martinez ordered them back to town instead.
Running through a field, the Governor in a truck found Andrea and tried to run her down. She managed to escape then and found some abandoned warehouse buildings with the Governor hot on her trail. The Governor continued to hunt for her in the dark inside the buildings. As he got close to finding her, he was distracted by walkers whom he promptly dispatched of sadistically. When Andrea had to kill one that was in her way, she gave up her location. The Governor found and cornered her, but she was saved by an encroaching horde of walkers.

In the dark of night, both a truckload of walkers and the full zombie pit were torched and burned down by a mysterious figure.
Andrea almost made it to the prison, but before Rick could see her, the Governor caught her by surprise.
Returning to Woodbury, the Governor lied to Martinez about not catching Andrea. Then Martinez informed the Governor about the walker burning sabotage and said he suspected Tyreese and his group. When the Governor met up with Tyreese and his group, Tyreese confronted the Governor about his plan to attack the prison group with walkers, which the Governor brushed off as just a scare tactic. The smooth-talking Governor even got Tyreese to apologize. When the Governor asked about the gasoline, he realized that Tyreese didn’t do it.
Milton encountered the Governor, asking if he had killed Andrea, but the Governor answered vaguely. When Milton brought up the walker sabotage topic, the Governor realized who was behind it. As the camera panned inside a building, we found Andrea shackled in the Governor’s torture chair.
How will Andrea get out of her jam now? Do you want her to live?
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