Exclusive: The Soska Sisters Talk See No Evil 2 and Working with WWE Superstar Kane

While hanging out at this past Sunday’s WWE SummerSlam event at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, we had the opportunity to chat with Jen and Sylvia Soska to get the scoop on working with Kane and See No Evil 2!
“I think a lot of people are surprised that See No Evil 2 is our next film, but if you knew us during our teens, it would make perfect sense,” say the Soskas. “It wasn’t even a match that initially caught our attention; it was The Undertaker in the ring talking about this dark secret and his brother. It was so engrossing that we were instantly hooked. The excitement continued for weeks as we were planted in front of the television every week leading up to Bad Blood/Hell in a Cell, where the buried past brother made his debut to the announcer’s screams, ‘This must be Kane!'”
“There is no show on earth like what you see in the WWE and it only makes sense that they would translate that high level of entertainment to film, starting with See No Evil starring our personal favorite, Kane. Many years have past since then. We never became the first female twin tag team wrestlers that we dreamed of – the beautiful Bellas hold that honor – and we went on to become horror directors.”
As for landing the directing gig for the film itself, the Soskas are very pleased and excited. “Life goes in cycles, but we could have never imagined in our twisted and overly ambitious minds that we would get an opportunity to read the new script for the sequel to that immensely successful first film, that we would have the privilege to speak with WWE Studios and Lionsgate Films about what we would do with the film if we were to direct, and then actually book the job. I remember our meeting ending with us saying what fans we are and from the direction we knew the film would be undoubtedly going in, we knew that it would be brilliant and it was an honor to even be considered.”
So what is that direction? “Of course, we want to keep you surprised about the actual schematics of the film, what you’ll be seeing in it, and how we are going to be telling the story. Glen Jacobs, Kane, will be reprising his role as Jacob Goodnight; and the team that is coming together on this is vastly impressive to say the least. We’ve just finished a first round of casting; and with every day, every new development, there is a new exciting angle that fuels the fangirl fire. This will be a film not only for Kane fans, horror fans, but for people who might usually write off what they perceive this kind of film to be like and be something that no one really sees coming.”
Want more? The Soskas have a plan for that too! “We do like to share exclusive set stills and updates to our close and personal friends through social media so if you want to get little hints, be sure to follow @SeeNoEvil2movie on Twitter and like the See No Evil 2 movie Facebook page. Cannot wait for you all to see the film in October 2014.”
Stay tuned, kids! Knowing the Soskas, we can assure you the film is in the best of gore-soaked hands!
See No Evil 2 revives the nightmare of the first film when Jacob Goodnight rises from the dead in the city morgue after his killing spree at the Blackwell Hotel. In this ominous, underground locker for the dead, a group of medical students fight to survive as the deranged psychopath once again starts to pick them apart one by one.

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