Scream Factory Drills Slumber Party Massacre Onto Blu-ray

There’s not a horror fan out there who would not like to make sweet, sweet love to the Scream Factory. Each week they release more and more news that engorges our horror boners. Today is no different.
Via the Scream Factory Facebook Page
We’re happy to report that we’ve gone back into our “vaults” and will be bringing the original 1982 SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE film to Blu-ray for the first time in early 2014! This will be a brand new HD transfer taken from the original camera negative. We had many requests for this and we’re pleased to be able to bring this into the Scream family.
As many of you know, we released this film on DVD back in 2010 along with Parts 2 & 3 as a part of a “Roger Corman’s Cult Classics” collection. For several factors (mostly financial), we can only bring you the original at this time on Blu but if sales are solid, we will certainly consider 2 & 3 for the future.

For more in the meantime visit the official Scream Factory website, and “like” Scream Factory on Facebook.
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