Full Moon in a State of Delirium This February

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Full Moon in a State of Delirium This FebruaryCharles Band and Full Moon Entertainment have infected just about every possible medium that they could have with their unique brand of lunacy, but they’re getting ready to head out into a new frontier with the magazine Delirium.

From the Press Release
A brand new, bi-monthly, FULL COLOR, cult, horror, sci-fi and fantasy PRINT magazine that scours true tales from the legendary Full Moon archives… and beyond.

For over four delirious decades, filmmaker Charles Band has steadily pumped out a dizzying wealth of some of cinema’s weirdest and wildest horror, fantasy and exploitation genre movies with his iconic labels “Empire Pictures” and “Full Moon Features.” Along the way he has nurtured and enabled such talents as Stuart Gordon, Barbara Crampton, David Schmoeller, Demi Moore, Michael Pataki, Helen Hunt, Viggo Mortensen, Christopher Lee, Tim Thomerson, John Carl Buechler, Don Mancini, Timothy Van Patton, Jeffrey Combs, Michael Moriarty, Andrew Prine, Klaus Kinski, Sherilyn Fenn and hundreds upon hundreds of others in films as beloved as TOURIST TRAP, RE-ANIMATOR, GHOULIES, DOLLS, FROM BEYOND, PARASITE, PUPPETMASTER, SUBSPECIES, HEAD OF THE FAMILY and THE GINGERDEAD MAN. Many of these pictures are considered bona fide classics, and some even cited as landmark dark fantasy entertainments, but all are fascinating works of bizarre pop art, each one a story with dozens of sub-stories to be told.

But to tell them all would require space to do so.

Band’s universe, and the storied alumni that reside within, is so dense with history, you could make a magazine and never run out of material.

So… that’s exactly what we did.

Announcing “Full Moon presents DELIRIUM,” a breathless, bold, bloody, beautiful, brainy and ballistic bi-monthly 21-gun-pulp-fiction-salute print periodical dedicated to exploring and celebrating the uninhibited joy of making outrageous movies while high-fiving the fevered audiences who just can’t seem to get enough of that far-out stuff…

Published by Band, produced by the Full Moon Features team and edited by filmmaker, film journalist and Fangoria Magazine EIC Chris Alexander, DELIRIUM is a passionate work of lurid wonder, jam-packed with exclusive interviews, bizarre stories, garish photos from Band’s expansive and foreboding vaults (many of which have never, ever, EVER been seen before), posters, retrospectives, special FX make-up secrets, laughs, shocks, thrills and chills. DELIRIUM aims to chart indie horror and fantasy’s secret history using the Empire/Full Moon/Band legacy as the foundation but then careening madly into unexpected directions.

“I couldn’t be more excited about DELIRIUM,” says Full Moon founder and President Charles Band.

“2014 is going to be an exciting year for us here at Full Moon and the birth of DELIRIUM magazine is a big part of that. The wealth of material we have at our fingertips, the hundreds of films we’ve produced, the rare stills, rarer interviews and support of our celebrated creative alumni will serve as the backbone for what we hope will become a thrilling new addition to the cult film magazine universe.”

The limited edition ISSUE #1 features a cover story on Band’s immortal, 1985 Stuart Gordon directed masterpiece RE-ANIMATOR, featuring massive new interviews with Gordon, Barbara Crampton, composer Richard Band, actress Carolyn Purdy-Gordon and many others and is jammed with gory, gorgeous photos, including a crazy cool centerfold poster! Elsewhere in DELIRIUM #1 you’ll find an exclusive chat with actress Celeste Yarnall on her signature role in 1971’s THE VELVET VAMPIRE, an ongoing column called “Bring Me the Head of Stuart Gordon,” an in-depth examination of the 1979 shocker TOURIST TRAP plus a peek at the brand new indie horror films from the rebirthed WIZARD Studios line and so much more!

DELIRIUM will be published 6 times a year and WILL NOT BE SOLD ON NEWSSTANDS.

The only way you can get your clammy mitts on this exciting new magazine is to SUBSCRIBE today at Delirium online. Individual issues will be available to order online as well. Or come pick up a copy in person at the Full Moon booth at one of the near 200 fan conventions we’ll be appearing at nationwide!

DELIRIUM: The Only Film Magazine Made By Filmmakers!



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