Make a Wish for Godzilla

The horror community is a small and really tight-knit group of people. When one of us is hurting, we all hurt; and that’s why whenever we’re given a chance to help, we jump at it. Such is the case with a young Godzilla fan named Maddex.
From the Godzilla-Movies community forums:
In April 2013, my son Maddex was diagnosed with Leukemia. He is currently undergoing treatments and is thankfully moving along as planned. Godzilla films and toys have helped Maddex cope with the trials of life as a boy with leukemia.
Make A Wish has offered him a wish to be granted, his wish is to be Godzilla for a day. He wants “people to run away”, to crush buildings, fight other monsters (Destroyah, Mecha Godzilla, and Baragon), and hear the 1954 theme song. Make A Wish is very excited to have this opportunity to grant his wish and want to do their best to make this wish happen.
I want to help as much as possible to make this wish for my son come true. I want this to be something he can look back on and be proud of. If anyone has any suggestions for production companies or set designers or anything pertinent to help pull this wish off, it would be greatly appreciated. I want to provide Make A Wish with as much info as possible to assist them.
We are at the start of the planning process.
Thank you for your help.
Tony M and Maddex
If you can think of any way to help or know someone who could, contact Tony by clicking the above link.
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