Religious Quack Pat Robertson Warns that Horror Movies Give Demons Permission to Destroy Your Life

He opposes gay marriage. He refers to non-Christians as “termites.” And now controversial televangelist Pat Robertson warns that horror movies can, and will, destroy your life.
It all began when a viewer of Robertson’s show “The 700 Club: wrote in, wondering if recent exposure to a horror film was perhaps to blame for a car accident she got in while on her way home from church.
“I was watching a horror movie the other day [on] the recommendation of others,” the viewer wrote. “It was rather strange and awfully macabre. And then this past Sunday, I got into an accident leaving church.”
“Did watching that movie cause a curse — or the Lord’s protection to be lifted from me?” she asked. “Did I grieve the Holy Spirit by watching this series?”
Silly, right? Well, Robertson doesn’t think so. After assuring the woman that he was pretty confident that a movie wasn’t to blame for that particular accident, he went on to say that it’s entirely possible for horror films to allow demons to enter your soul and that we should all be careful of the entertainment we choose to ingest.
“A few years ago I heard about a teenage girl who was demon possessed, and people began to deal with the demon and try to cast it out,” he recalled. “And you know what the demon said? ‘I had permission.’ And the permission was granted when this child had gone to some double-X-rated movie, or whatever it was, and had allowed this thing to come into her.”
“I know this sounds kind of otherworldly, but that’s the way it is,” he continued. “So, could it have happened to you? Yes. I don’t think it did, but [it] could have.”
Check out the full segment below, which is guaranteed to make your blood boil!
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