See Through the Eyes of Megafoot

The idea of a Mech-Bigfoot hybrid alone is enough to make us all sweaty with anticipation, and that’s just what we’ll get should Rolfe Kanefsky’s new film Megafoot ever see the light of day. The powers-that-be have unleashed a bloody new video on their way to funding.
We’re very selective about which crowd-funded projects we cover around here, but this one looks too damned cool to not try to help with.
If the below info is enough to whet your appetite, then head on over to the Megafoot IndieGoGo page and check out all the cool things you can get by shelling out some cash!
The concept – based on an original idea and story by Justin Martell (producer of Troma’s Return to Nuke ‘Em High: Volumes 1 & 2) and with a screenplay by Rolfe Kanefsky (award-winning screenwriter/director of There’s Nothing Out There, The Hazing, and Nightmare Man), who is also attached to direct – was to create the ultimate warrior using enhanced chemical and engineering technology. When it was declared that the end product would be used exclusively in conjunction with the U.S. Military, Colonel Hankle and his team immediately took control. A research facility in the backwoods of the American Midwest was built, and a top-notch group of scientists was dispatched – along with some healthy, willing volunteers – to commence the operation. Alas, the human subjects proved to be incompatible with the procedure. All seemed lost… and then we made the most incredible discovery.
A new type of creature. GIGANTANTHROPUS CRYPTICUS, more commonly known as a Sasquatch, or Bigfoot. We thought it was a mere myth, a projection of man’s fantastical imagination, but we were wrong. They exist.
Just the confirmation that these beasts inhabit this world would alone shake the foundation of science across the globe. But we could not pass up this amazing opportunity: fate, it seemed, was smiling upon us. Our endeavors would not be wasted. These hairy mammals proved to be a far more accurate match to our program than mere humans. By combining a unique combination of nature and cybernetics, we will produce the most dangerous being on the planet. The quest to create the ultimate warrior shall continue. Project: MEGAFOOT.

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