Exclusive: Ken Kirzinger Talks Vehicular Slaughter in Joy Ride 3: Road Kill

1971’s Duel revved the engines of cinematic road-ragers everywhere and put many a vicious vehicle on the old highway to hell. What horror fan doesn’t love The Car, Christine, and Death Proof?
Those are classics. But what sets the Joy Ride film franchise apart from the rest is that it’s more about the diabolical driver and less about the terrifying truck. Which is not to say the big rig isn’t badass in its own right, but let’s face it: The 18-wheeler isn’t nearly as fun to chat with as actor and stuntman Ken Kirzinger.
Dread Central: Were you familiar with the Rusty Nail character before stepping into the role?
Ken Kirzinger: I auditioned for Rusty in Joy Ride 2 but didn’t get the part. Instead it went to a good friend, Mark Gibbon, who I ended up stunt doubling for in the movie. So yes, I was more than familiar. It’s funny how similar the situation was to Freddy vs. Jason.
DC: We recently chatted with John Jarratt, who also plays a highway murderer (in the Wolf Creek movies). His ongoing schtick is tasteless taunts just before he kills his victims. So, what’s Rusty’s defining characteristic?
KK: A fearless and tireless obsession for seeking personal justice to the extreme.
DC: Did you have to learn to drive a big rig?
KK: Yes, I did. Although the great stunt driving sequences belong to Rick Skene, the Stunt Coordinator on the show, and his team. Trust me; it doesn’t handle like my ‘Vette.
DC: What was one of the more challenging things about the role?
KK: I have to say there was nothing hard about this. It was fun, the people were fantastic, and I loved playing Rusty.
DC: Is it just my imagination, or is this the most brutal of the Joy Ride films?
KK: Yes, this installment has gone way more towards horror. Especially compared to the more psychological thriller based original. Joy Ride 2 was more of a blend, but this one definitely leans more toward the horror genre.
DC: What’s the best kill?
KK: Ha ha. You are a horror fan. The next one of course! As far as Joy Ride 3 goes… you tell me.
DC: Well, I wouldn’t say it’s a spoiler since it’s the first kill. But the way it’s all set up, really, er, hooks you. Good, gory stuff.
Joy Ride 3: Road Kill<./i> is available now via video-on-demand and is coming to home entertainment formats June 17th (DVD, Blu-ray).
Joy Ride 3 Release Details
Rusty Nail, the vengeful trucker with a penchant for pain, slams terror into overdrive in this all-new UNRATED chapter of Joy Ride! Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment takes road rage to an all new level with JOY RIDE 3: ROAD KILL, arriving on Digital HD June 3 and on Blu-ray and DVD June 17.
This third hellish installment in the bloody series finds director Declan O’Brien (Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings, Wrong Turn 5: Bloodlines) in the driver’s seat for another deadly detour.
The nightmare begins when a group of young street racers take a desolate shortcut on their way to the Road Rally 1000. But a chance encounter with Rusty soon turns deadly as he stalks, taunts, and tortures his next victims with deranged delight. It’s a full-throttle, pedal-to-the-metal chill ride packed with killer twists and turns!
Starring Ken Kirzinger (Freddy vs. Jason) as the infamous Rusty Nail, the JOY RIDE 3: ROAD KILL Blu-ray and DVD is loaded with extra features including a variety of deleted scenes, featurettes, behind-the-scenes content, and a gruesome unrated version of the film.
Special Features

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