Horror History: Fascinating Video Compares The Thing’s Original Storyboards to the Finished Film

Horror History: Fascinating Video Compares The Thing's Original Storyboards to the Finished FilmThere are few horror films as endlessly awesome as John Carpenter’s The Thing, and I personally never tire of hearing and learning new things about the gruesome masterpiece. If you feel the same way, then read on because you’re going to dig this video!

Courtesy of the website VashiVisuals comes a 5-minute long video that puts artist Michael Ploog’s original storyboards side-by-side with the iconic Dean Cundey-lensed scenes and images from the film that we all know and love, showcasing just how faithful the finished product was to those rough sketches.

Two scenes in particular are highlighted in the video, those being the discovery of the alien spaceship and the gory transformation of Norris. The storyboards themselves are nothing new, but the video presentation shows them off in a way we’ve never seen before, serving as a fascinating insight into the filmmaking process.

Check out the comparison video below, and don’t forget to watch the skies!

The Thing


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