Come Back to Me for an Exclusive Clip and New Artwork

On tap right now are a really creepy clip and the final poster art for the psycho-looking new film Come Back to Me (review). Check them out, and look for more on this one as soon as we get it! Gonna be a heavy week, folks! Get set!
Come Back to Me is a horror film based on the novel titled The Resurrectionist by Wrath James White, which will be playing in limited theaters and available on iTunes, DirecTV, and iN-Demand on July 25th.
The flick stars Matt Passmore (“The Glades”), Katie Walder (“Gilmore Girls”), Nathan Keyes (The Kings of Summer), Maura West (“General Hospital,” “The Young and The Restless”), and Laura Gordon (Saw V). The film is written and directed by Paul Leyden (also known for his roles on “The Young and the Restless” and “As The World Turns”).
Sarah (Walder) and Josh McLaren (Passmore) are a young married couple living in suburban Las Vegas. Shortly after a car accident, Sarah begins to suffer a series of disturbing memory lapses and frequent blackouts that seem to be increasing in intensity. Unsure of what is happening and feeling as though she is losing her mind, Sarah comes to learn she is pregnant. To add to her shock, she subsequently discovers that her husband is sterile.
As her marriage and world begin to fall apart, she makes a desperate attempt to find the truth by planting a hidden camera in her home. What she discovers is both horrific and life-altering and involves a dark secret about her neighbor Dale (Keyes) that proves to be even more far-reaching than anyone could imagine.
