#SDCC14: Telltale Games Announces The Walking Dead Season 3

#SDCC14: Telltale Games Announces The Walking Dead Season 3Horror truly has a home at Comic-Con, especially the zombie-filled killing machine that is The Walking Dead. Just a short day after the teaser trailer for Season 5 of the TV show was unleashed on the unholy horde of cosplayers at San Diego Comic-Con…

…Telltale Games has confirmed the third season of their The Walking Dead video game series.

The previous titles in the series have been released as downloadable games for last-gen consoles. No word has been given if gamers who have upgraded to the more current hardware will finally have a chance to explore the world of The Walking Dead.

Not even a release window was given for the next season, and Telltale is still busy working on Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones games, both slated for 2014 releases. Pundits believe the game won’t be out until 2015.

Telltale Games recently released Episode 5 of Season 2 of The Walking Dead and concluded their series The Wolf Among Us, based on the Fables comic books, to a very warm reception.

The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead


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