Exclusive Paranormal Activity Franchise Timeline

“All the activity has led to this…” So reads the one-sheet for Paranormal Activity 4, which hits theatres on October 19th, 2012. It’s amazing how much of a rich mythos has developed around Oren Peli’s original Paranormal Activity film, and on tap for you right now is a look back!
Below you’ll find our exclusive Paranormal Activity Timeline, which we here at Dread Central have put together for your perusal. With it, it’s easy to follow along with the events of the last three films in chronological order as it documents key plot points, explains some mysteries, and even points out some things that you may not have noticed. We intend to further break things down in the future for you guys, but for now click on the image below for a larger look at the Timeline, and click here to download it onto your computer or device.
Major props to Jon Condit for all the hard work he put into this.

The word Meus is scratched into the basement door. It means “mine” in Latin. In this case “mine” refers to Hunter, whom the demon seeks to claim as its payment for whatever deal was entered into.
Thaumaturgic Triangle:
The Thaumaturgic Triangle, or Magical Triangle, is a symbol commonly thought to be used to bind or control a summoned demon. MCL is modified from “Mi Cha El,” which calls upon the Archangel Michael for protection from the summoned demon. Given the fact that Lois visited the girls just a few days prior to Dennis finding the markings in the closet, some people theorize that she drew them herself.
On the day Hunter is brought home and Dan takes the camera around the house, two interesting things happen. The first is if you look closely in his office, you can see paintings from Lois’ house in PA3 hanging up which appear again later in the film. The second is when he walks downstairs and remarks that someone left the front door open — we know the door was closed when they all came in the house.
Key Plot Points:
1. Sept 3rd – Katie’s birthday.
2. Sept 4th – First reference to the demon as Toby.
3. Sept 5th – Picture Day; the photo of Katie is taken.
4. Sept 7th – First documented evidence of Toby.
5. Sept 10th – Toby is discovered to be tall and much older than Kristi.
6. Sept 15th – Grandma Lois drops subtle mention of Julie always wanting a son.
7. Sept 22nd – Kristi is partially possessed; Kristi refuses to do something Toby asks her.
8. Sept 23rd – Dennis discovers the Magical Triangle in the closet. Kristi is sick. Julie and Dennis take her to the doctor. Bloody Mary incident. Randy is attacked.
9. Sept 23rd – Dennis discovers witches who used the symbol he found to make deals with demons in exchange for their first-born sons. They wear the same necklace.
10. Sept 24th – Kristi agrees to help the demon Toby.
11. Sept 24th – Julie refuses to let the girls go to their Grandma’s house.
12. Sept 24th – Toby shows himself to Julie to scare her into leaving.
13. Sept 24th – The family makes a 7-hour drive to Moorpark to stay with Julie’s mom after the kitchen incident.
14. Sept 24th – Grandma is dressing Kristi up as a bride; Kristi says she is being married to Toby.
15. Sept 24th – Dennis encounters the coven and discovers another Magical Triangle and a Sigil of Baphomet hidden behind Lois’ paintings.
16. Sept 24th – Julie is thrown at Dennis by Toby, and they both fall down the stairs. Julie is presumably only knocked out; her death is not yet confirmed.
17. Sept 24th – Katie is possessed.
18. Sept 24th – Dennis is killed by Toby.
19. Mar 2005 – Kristi and Dan are getting Hunter’s nursery ready.
20. Mar 2005 – Katie comes by to drop off some old VHS tapes. Grandma Lois’
death is confirmed.
21. Jul 2005 – Hunter is born (date is approximate).
22. Jul 2006 – Hunter’s first birthday (date is approximate). “I’m not really evil, but I can be evil. That’s my point.” -Katie
23. Aug 1st – The house appears to be vandalized. Necklace Katie made for Kristi is a reference to the witches necklace, and the boxes of tapes are missing.
24. Aug 7th – Martine knows there is something bad in the house.
25. Aug 8th – Kristi says she gets a feeling like when they were little.
26. Aug 12th – Martine is fired for blessing the house.
27. Aug 15th – Micah finds out about the past events that happened during Kristi and Katie’s childhood.
28. Aug 17th – Ali’s mother’s death is confirmed.
29. Aug 18th – When asked what it wants, the Ouija board begins to spell out Hunter’s name.
30. Aug 19th – Ali and Brad discover references to people who make deals with demons for wealth.
31. Aug 23rd – Kristi tells Ali she can’t remember what happened when she was a kid, only that she was scared.
32. Aug 23rd – Katie tells Kristi to ignore the demon; she also makes reference to the Coven and says, “Do you want to end up like Mom?” Their mother is never confirmed dead.
33. Aug 23rd – Ali discovers Hunter is the first male born since the 1930s.
34. Aug 26th – Abby is attacked; Dan and Ali take her to the vet, leaving Kristi home with Hunter.
35. Aug 26th – Kristi is attacked and dragged into the basement. Kristi is possessed by Toby.
36. Aug 26th – Ali finds scratches on the door: “Meus” (Latin for “mine”).
37. Aug 26th – Ali sees what happened to Kristi and shows her dad.
38. Aug 26th – Kristi attacks Dan and takes Hunter into the basement.
39. Aug 26th – Dan performs the ritual to pass the demon to Katie.
40. Sept 18th – Katie returns home from visiting Kristi. Micah has bought a camera of his own.
41. Sept 20th – Katie and Micah turn to a psychic for advice. The psychic tells them that they are dealing with a demon and that it wants Katie.
42. Oct 1st – Micah attempts to make contact with the demon by conducting an EVP session.
43. Oct 2nd – Katie is partially possessed.
44. Oct 3rd – Ouija board incident.
45. Oct 4th – Micah finds the burnt photo of Katie above their bed in the attic.
46. Oct 5th – Katie calls the demonologist, but he is out of town.
47. Oct 7th – Micah and Katie find out Diane Mercer is haunted by a demon beginning in June 1966, ending in her death during exorcism.
48. Oct 8th – Katie is attacked and bitten by the demon.
49. Oct 8th – Katie is possessed.
50. Oct 9th – Morning: Katie kills Micah.
51. Oct 9th – Evening: Katie kills Dan and Kristi and takes Hunter.
52. Oct 11th – Micah’s body is discovered.
53. Oct 12th – Kristi and Dan’s bodies are discovered by Ali.
54. Five years later Hunter is alive and living next door to Alex and her mom, presumably with Katie, though so far her presence has not been confirmed.
For more visit the official Paranormal Activity website, follow Paranormal Activity on Twitter (@TweetYourScream), and as always keep an eye on the official Paranormal Activity Facebook page!
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