Exclusive: Katie Featherston talks Paranormal Activity 4, Sequels and More!

On Tuesday, January 29th, Paranormal Activity 4 will arrive everywhere on DVD and Blu-ray to bring all the spooky right into your very own living rooms; and to mark the occasion, Dread Central recently caught up with one of the stars who has been with the franchise since the very beginning.
During a recent phone interview, we spoke to Katie Featherston about the latest Paranormal Activity installment, which brings the actress’ character as an adult back into the fold. We also heard more from Featherston on what fans can possibly expect in future PA sequels, more on the status of Paranormal Activity 5 and what’s been the biggest surprise for her throughout the PA years.
Check out our exclusive interview with Featherston below, and look for Paranormal Activity 4 on DVD and Blu-ray (review here) next Tuesday.
Dread Central: Because you were so involved in creating the character of Katie originally and this world with Oren (Peli), do you get to offer up any input when it comes time to work on the next project at all? How far in advance do you know the story or do they keep you guys in the dark for a bit too?
Katie Featherston: That’s always usually up to the guys in charge; but I know it’s something they’re constantly thinking about ever since we began working on the second Paranormal. But, much like the fans, we really don’t know what the movie will end up being at all until we see it, which is what makes these movies so great- they’re so unexpected and we really get a lot of space for improv and to try a lot of different things, which is great from a creative perspective. It’s rare that you get that kind of freedom and room so for me, I think that’s why I have so much fun making the Paranormal movies; I’m just as surprised as the fans are by the results every October.
Dread Central: Even though we were following your character in part three but when you were younger, was it nice to get the call for Paranormal 4 saying that you were going to be far more involved this time around?
Katie Featherston: Oh definitely- I have to say, I was really sad I wasn’t more around for part three but I absolutely loved the story so I knew that it worked out the way it needed to for that story. I also loved that it wasn’t necessarily the story the fans were expecting either; I think they thought we’d pick up right after two, but we managed to surprise them again.
Dread Central: One of the things I wanted to ask since I’m a fan of the franchise is that I’m really interested to see what exactly happened with Katie and Kristi after where part three left off- do you know if that’s something that has been discussed at all?
Katie Featherston: I think at some point we’re going to fill in those blanks; I haven’t heard anything specifically, but there are always those red herrings in these movies about different times and things like that which we put in there to give fans clues along the way that tie into this story. So in part three, there’s that moment where I’m dropping off the videotapes and you see a few marked from the ’90s, which definitely will tie in at some point- or at least I think it should (laughs). Again, you never know- they keep me guessing too sometimes.
Dread Central: So have you heard anything yet on Paranormal Activity 5 or is it still too early?
Katie Featherston: I haven’t heard much on part five yet, but I know they’re working on it. [SPOILER] But yeah, we left off with me and all those crazy witches at the end of the last one so I’m curious to see if we address that or not. But I just love the vitality of these stories and how every new chapter tells its own story in a way that serves those past stories, too. But I do really hope I’m part of the next one, definitely.
Dread Central: I wanted to ask because this is a franchise that has now been a part of your life for over six years now, what’s been the most surprising aspect of this whole Paranormal Activity experience for you?
Katie Featherston: I think the most surprising thing for me is that we’re still around and that we became this huge franchise- that’s just so amazing to me still considering where Oren (Peli), Micah (Sloat) and I were just a few years ago, working on the original film. All we wanted when we made the first one was to get it into one theater; that’s all, just one theater, and look at it now. It’s just grown into something so special to all of us and it really shows you the power of all our great fans that come out every single year to see these movies. It’s all really incredible.
Related Stories: Get all the latest Paranormal Activity 4 news here
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