Bruce Campbell Talks Revisiting Iconic Character for Ash vs. Evil Dead
There was a time where it seemed Bruce Campbell would never again pick up a chainsaw and battle the Deadites, but that time has thankfully passed. Starz is getting ready to bring back one of the most beloved horror franchises in the form of “Ash vs. Evil Dead,” and Campbell recently talked a bit about the upcoming project.
In an interview in the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly, the mighty Bruce provided some insight into the mind of Ash Williams, letting us know where he’s mentally at, now decades after his many fights for survival against the undead.
“Ash has survivor’s guilt,” said Campbell. “You could have a [field day] with his PTSD. He’s a war vet. He doesn’t want to talk about it, and he’ll lie about that stump on his hand to impress the ladies. That’s what I look forward to playing – a guy with horrible flaws. In Army of Darkness he can’t memorize three words, and he’s responsible for the death of a hundred people – this is your lead character!”
Related Story: Bruce Campbell Talks More Ash vs. Evil Dead!
So why now? Why are Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell now finally giving us fans what we want? And why a TV series, versus another movie?
“We realized if we made another movie, frankly, it would probably be too expensive,” Campbell admitted, “but in the format of a TV show, we could give people exactly what they wanted and expand the character and story even more. And we never burned Evil Dead as a franchise out – it’s not like we did 13 of these movies. So we felt like, what the heck, let’s give it a try.”
In the half-hour horror-comedy “Ash vs. Evil Dead,” Ash takes a road trip to banish his demons alongside two young helpers and his trusty boomstick. Look for it sometime in 2015.