Joaquin Cosio Joins The Strain as Badass Vampire-Killer The Silver Angel

Mexican wrestler-turned-vampire hunter “The Silver Angel” is one character many fans have been dying to see on FX’s “The Strain,” and today we’re happy to report that we won’t have to wait much longer. Read on for the latest casting details!
Hit Fix reports that acclaimed actor Joaquín Cosío has been cast to play the former luchadore, named Angel Guzman Hurtado, in the show’s second season. Angel de la Plata, “The Silver Angel,” was the character’s nickname as a professional wrestler.
The Silver Angel was a major masked wrestling star in Mexico, appearing both in the ring and in a series of movies in which his character battled all manner of foes including vampires, whom he dispatched with an ultra-violent trademark move. A knee injury ended his career, and his money and celebrity were soon gone. Now he’s washing dishes at an Indian restaurant, beloved by the nostalgic, but seemingly forgotten to the world.
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As you might imagine, the vampire apocalypse introduced in the first “The Strain” season offers some eerie familiarity for Angel, and when anti-bloodsucking crusader Gus recruits him to the cause, Angel is more than willing to pick up his mask and join the fight.
Season 1 Synopsis:
When a freak virus kills all but four passengers on an airplane at JFK, Ephraim Goodweather (Corey Stoll), head of the Center for Disease Control’s “Canary Team,” is immediately called to the scene. With help from a mysterious Holocaust survivor (David Bradley), “Eph” and his colleague (Mía Maestro) uncover the outbreak’s ties to vampirism.
Now, the only way to stop the terrifying disease from wiping out mankind is to face its source – a sinister supernatural creature known as “The Master” – whose evil intent seems more powerful than any other force on Earth