First Details and Images from Sam Qualiana’s Lake Effect


Sam Qualiana is a name you’ve seen attached to quite a few indie films here on Dread Central, and now he’s hard at work on his latest project, Lake Effect. We have all the early details plus a batch of stills. It’s quite a family affair!

From the Press Release:
When Western New York and much of the rest of the United States recently found itself under siege by winter storms, Sam Qualiana, the writer-director of such low budget creature features as Snow Shark: Ancient Snow Beast and The Legend of Six Fingers, picked up his camera and recorded footage for his upcoming third feature, Lake Effect. The title, of course, refers to “lake effect snow,” a common weather condition in the Buffalo-Niagara region.

Filmed in and around Royalton, New York, the film tells the story of a group of friends who must survive more than a crippling winter storm when they encounter a terrifying supernatural creature with the ability to freeze its victims’ insides.

Lake Effect is executive produced by Richard Chizmar, founder of Cemetery Dance Publications, and produced by Gregory Lamberson and Kyle Haner with Andrew Elias and Mick O’Keefe serving as associate producers. Tia Maurice, a Canadian actress whose credits include Lamberson’s Dry Bones and Killer Rack, co-stars with Qualiana’s brother, Simeon, from the rock group Experimental Sandwich. Erika Frase, Daniel James, and Qualiana’s father, C.J., round out the cast.

Racing against spring, Qualiana found himself shooting key action scenes with his leads and a snowmobile even while crowdfunding for additional funds. The bulk of the film will be shot in a couple of weeks.

“We’re working hard to shoot this in the freezing cold weather, struggling to get it all done before all the snow goes away,” says Qualiana. “We’re on a tight budget and schedule, but we’re pulling through it, and so far everything is looking amazing. It’s certainly a step up in quality from my previous features. We have better equipment and a great cast and crew that are doing an awesome job.”

For more info check out Lake Effect on Indiegogo and Metroshia Productions on Facebook.

lake effect art

