Eli Roth Updates on The Green Inferno and Cabin Fever Remake

Eli Roth is spinning a handful of plates at the moment with both directorial efforts and production ventures soon headed our way. This week he’s provided big ole updates on a couple of those projects so read on for the latest in the world of Eli!
In an interview with IGN, Roth first opened up about cannibal flick The Green Inferno, revealing that it’s pretty damn close to release, though legal issues are still being ironed out.
“Trust me when I say there are no less than four lawyers from different companies on conference calls and email chains every single day trying to work this out,” said Roth. “I was hoping to have it resolved today or by Monday so we could do something to hopefully have it out this summer. That’s what everyone’s working towards. To have it out August or September. But I was 90 days out from a release, there was a trailer and posters in theaters, and it got pulled. So please don’t hold me to anything, but trust me when I say everybody is all over it working it out.”
“We’re at the one-yard line, but I’ve also been there before so I don’t want to say anything, but I just thank everyone for their patience and understanding,” he continued. “And it really helps when people tweet ‘Please release it, please release it’ – it keeps the fire burning, but everyone is working to resolve it.”
Roth also spoke about the upcoming Cabin Fever remake in the same interview, clearing up the rumors that it was going to be a shot-for-shot affair.
“They came to me exactly a year ago and said, ‘We want to remake Cabin Fever using your original script,’” he noted. “You’ve got to realize that from an egotistical point of view, I wrote Cabin Fever when I was 22 years old. Right out of university. And for six years everyone told me, ‘This is an un-makeable piece of shit.’ So the fact that the same script would get made twice and that 20 years later, 20 years after I originally wrote it, it got sent around Hollywood and people were reading the same dialogue. I looked at it as like staging a play – as an experiment I just wanted to see how it would turn out. So I came on as one of the executive producers.”
“I saw the cut and thought that what Travis [Zariwny] did was so smart – he kept the original script, but he changed the deaths so all the kills are different. You don’t know how they’re going to come. I was watching it and he didn’t tell me that he did that and I was so happy he did – because nobody wants to see a re-do that’s the same thing that they already know. So he leads you in one direction with the audience thinking that they know what’s coming, then puts a fantastic spin on it. And it looks awesome – it’s a really fun movie. I’m happily surprised at how it’s turned out.”
This unique Cabin Fever remake is finished and presumably ready for release, though a date hasn’t been set. So for now, as with The Green Inferno, we sit back and wait.