Bruce Campbell Still Working on The Expendables of Horror Idea


A long while ago, 5 years to be exact, The Chin himself proposed a movie idea that would end up being The Expendables of horror. Here we are more than half a decade later, and he’s still keen on the idea.

Yeah! Never say never,” Bruce tells MovieWeb of the script for the film which would be the sequel to his film My Name in Bruce, tentatively known as Bruce vs. Frankenstein.I have a script that I’m working on that would pretty much be that. It’s not ready to share at this point. It’s in the pipeline I guess you could say. I’ve always wanted to do the Expendables of horror type movie. Because I always run into all my horror buddies at conventions. It would be fun to do a movie that pretty much has all of them in it.

Check out the video below for more.

Bruce Campbell

