Deadly Famous (2016)

Starring Daniel O’Meara, Jackie Moore, Tiffany Adams
Directed by Eric Troop, Jim Lane
Watching a former child actor’s career go swirling down the porcelain has almost become somewhat of a pedestrian sporting event over the years. Drug abuse, bankruptcy, and even suicide have plagued some of the more notable names of grown adults whose careers haven’t progressed the way they’d hoped after the limelight has faded. Co-directors Eric Troop and Jim Lane provide the viewers of Deadly Famous with a character peek into the worst possible scenario of the paling star.
Alan Miller (O’Meara) is the former child-actor in question, and make no mistake; this man’s calling has truly left the audition room. His massively large ego prevents himself from truly grasping the delicate nature of his circumstance – his window has clearly closed, and his only solace is in massive amounts of booger-sugar, which he snorts up his honker with furious abandon with his coke-riddled pal, Eric (oddly enough, played by Eric Roberts). His latest beacon of hope is his newest roommate, Pamela (Moore) – she’s an aspiring actress and manages to catch his crazy eyes on more than a few occasions…lucky girl, indeed. Alan’s simple interest turns into deranged obsession as his sanity takes its final plunge down the crapper. His personal camera is in use for much of the film, so the essence of a found-footage presentation is at-hand, although it’s not NEARLY as stomach-wringing as many other displays, and what he manages to catch on film from time-to-time is simply unsettling.
Alan’s startling freefall into Looneyville isn’t without some casualties, and that’s where this film manages to succeed so heavily – the gore is abundant and looks very well orchestrated for a low-budget flick. His proficiency at torturing individuals is praiseworthy, and fans of some brutal action will devour this pic in large bites. Both Troop and Lane have Alan portrayed as a character that right off the bat doesn’t deserve an inkling of sympathy, and as the movie progresses, you’ll come to despise him even further…or maybe you won’t – but that’s the insane beauty of watching someone take a turn for the worst. By the time this one is over, you’ll be shocked and appalled at what your eyes have taken in, but more importantly, you’ll think twice about making fun of the Olsen twins again, now won’t you? Be sure to give this one a peek if you have the chance – recommended.