Hidden in the Woods (2016)

Starring Michael Biehn, Jeannine Kaspar, William Forsythe
Directed by Patricio Valladares
Acting as a slicked-down representation to a 70’s exploitation film, Patricio Valladares’s Hidden in the Woods has some intriguing points, and some that I’d prefer to forget. Overall, this is one of those movies that could potentially strike a chord with some.
The story begins with two young sisters helplessly watching from a field as their mother is literally drowned in the kitchen sink by their drug-addicted, boozehead of a dad (Biehn). With their lives forever altered by such a horrific undertaking, it remains a mystery as to whether or not they’ll ever regain some sense of themselves after dealing with these actions… turns out to be a big “no” on that end.
You see, dear ol’ Dad went and did himself a bit of molestin’ on his youngins… ewww. (I’d like to also apologize for the bad usage of grammar, but it seemed to suit the scenario.) Well, Daddy gets the shiny bracelets slapped on him, and he’s tossed in jail for his crimes. Meanwhile his two daughters are left to fend for themselves in this cruel world, and when their drug kingpin of an uncle (the insanely talented William Forsythe) comes looking for a stash that was hidden before Daddy got locked up, let’s just say that things get a bit heated.
What does work here are the two performances from both Biehn and Forsythe – Biehn is so damned good at portraying a sadistic bastard that you’ll feel your blood begin to boil when you watch him commit such heinous crimes. Forsythe, on the other hand, is so adept at pulling off these roles it’s like second nature, and this particular piece is no exception. Together, they cement what already was a seriously dysfunctional family, yet make it infinitely more slimy, and it works to perfection.
Unfortunately, there isn’t much to rave about with the remainder of this presentation, but it will more than suffice for those looking for some heavy grit and grime with their celluloid, but please make sure to soak in ample doses of sanitizer – you’ll need it after watching this one!